Newsletter January 2024
Dear scouts, please find here our newsletter of January 2024, it contains the agenda for the second trimester and important information regarding overall rules for the group.
Newsletter September 2023
Dear scouts, please find here our newsletter for September 2023, it contains the agenda for the first trimester and important information regarding registration and the membership fee.
Newsletter April 2023
Please find our newsletter that covers all activities for the last quarter.
Hesper Kriibsen Newsletter November 2022
Léif Hesper Kriibsen, Mir sinn elo endlech an onsem fonkelneien Home zu Alzéng D’Adresse ass9a rue Albert BousserL- 5894 Alzingen(bréngt wgl ab elo Schlappen mat fir d’VersammlungMir wollten iech och häerzlech bieden wann dir ons iwwert Mail wëllt kontaktéieren folgende Email ze benotzen:comite@kriibsen.luoder wann et Branchëspezifesch ass de Whatsapp Grupp vun Read more…
Our brand new headquarter is ready!
We are proud to announce that our new headquarter is ready for us to be used.