Hesper Kriibsen Newsletter November 2022

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Léif Hesper Kriibsen,

Mir sinn elo endlech an onsem fonkelneien Home zu Alzéng 
D’Adresse ass
9a rue Albert Bousser
L- 5894 Alzingen
(bréngt wgl ab elo Schlappen mat fir d’Versammlung
Mir wollten iech och häerzlech bieden wann dir ons iwwert Mail wëllt kontaktéieren folgende Email ze benotzen:
oder wann et Branchëspezifesch ass de Whatsapp Grupp vun der Branche wou äert Kand ugemellt ass benotzen .
Mir freeën ons fir, mat iech zesummen, dëse coole Grupp opzebauen an fir flott Aventuren zesummen ze erliewen.

är Hesper Kriibsen Team

Dear Hesper Kriibsen,
As of last Saturday we are now in our new Headquarters in Alzingen
The Address is:
9a rue Albert Bousser
L. 5894 Alzingen
(please bring Slippers for the meetings)
Just to inform you that if you have any questions regarding the group please use the email:
if you have questions regarding the branch activities please use the Whatsapp group for this branch.
We are all looking forward to building this group with you and all the new adventures awaiting us.
Your Kriibsen Team

Nächst Aktivitéiten
Samschden 19.11 Beaver and cubs 14h-16h  Scouts at 16h00- 18h00
Samschden 19.11 um 18h30 Assemblée générale 
Samschden 26.11 um 14h-16
Samschden 03.12 um 14h-15h um 16h Elteren Versammlung / at 15h parents meeting
Samschden 10.12 um 14h-16h
Samschden – Sonnden 17-18.12 vun 10h30-14.30 Weekend zu Munneref
Saturday 19th November 18h30 Assemblée Générale please let us know if you can make it or not by filling out this form:Assemblée générale inscriptionInvitation Assemblée généraleEtleren Versammlung Samschden, den 3.12 um 16h

Parents meeting 3.12. at 16h 

17th – Sunday 18th December WinterWonderCamp in Mondercange


Important: to join the camp you need to fill in you medical form
Fiche médicale à remplir et renvoyer à

Fiche de Santé FR

Health Form EN

Categories: Newsletter


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